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Health Forum

Asked for Female, 33 years

Hi! I was 8 weeks pregnant and went for ultrasound and everything was perfectly alright. 5 days later I started to bleed and it was miscarriage. Now fetus samples are in Lab. What’s molar pregnancy and is there’s a chance of molar pregnancy with complete fetus normal heartbeat and could be dangerous to a level of cancerous cells? I’m really scared. No history of miscarriage and have one healthy baby boy 8 months old MashaAllah through c section.

Asked for Male, 29 years

I am very worried about my problem kindly give me a good advice. I have developed a wound or an ulcer at the glans. it discharges slowly mostly it is a watery discharge, it is very slightly painful. after few days it is covered by a crust but when I remove the crust it bleeds slightly. I have no burning urination or discharge from penis.

Asked for Male, 23 years

Doctors I'm 17 year old and my diet is perfect according to my weight but my height is 5'2 and I want to grow what should I do?

Asked for Male, 33 years

Some kind of severe pain was occurred in my lower back while i was trying to pick up a fridge almost two months ago but that pain is still in effect in my lower back and creates problem whenever i bow or pick some kind of weight.

Asked for Female, 30 years

I have pain in my neck, shoulders and upper back muscle. i feel tightness in muscles. When i stretch towards right i feel pain in upper back muscle. I am facing this issue for a very long time. i have used nuberol forte but did not get any benefit. kindly prescribe me medicine for this issue.

Asked for Female, 32 years

Hello, I want to ask about itchy stomach problem. From past few weeks my wife is having mild itching under her abdomen/stomach. Last year when we were expecting so she had intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) or severe itching during her last trimester on the entire body but now its only on her stomach but not that severe. Looking for decent suggestions.

Asked for Female, 40 years

This allergy is going insane and is all over my body, messing with BP too. Need suggestions of doctors and someone who can tell wth is this and quick cure. Dont want to miss Eid.

Asked for Female, 36 years

Almost one and half years ago these marks appeared on my body. They started spreading. Now they are all over my body. I feel no pain no rash, nothing. Just marks. After taking bath, these marks get more visible/dominant. Let me know if anyone understands the problem. Thank you very much.

Asked for Male, 28 years

From few months I have a very severe burning feelings on my scalp ..if I did not wash my hair after 2 days it's just become a miserable situation...pehlay se scalp pe dry daanay ban jatay hain jin se chaal utar jati hai and it's on full scalp...what to do? Due to this thing I am facing a severe hair fall as well...

Asked for Male, 11 years

My 5yr old kid is eating paper and dust , I feel his iron is low becoause he is pale in color . From yesterday he is having fever . What should I do, in past whenever I visited a pediatrician he always gave me iron syrups, I don't want to give iron syrups again n again, what I should give him for eating so that his own body can produce iron , he is a picky eater

Asked for Female, 9 years

My 3 year old daughter has prickly heat rashes all over her neck, back and getting on her face. What can I do to get rid of them. She doesn't take syrups, she takes only tablets.

Asked for Female, 22 years

My sister has a lump under her right arm. Its been long time like (maybe 4 years) to have, even we consulted with the lady doctor she said its all fat tissues nothing else try to avoid chocolates and lose weight but she is not that much fat she is like a chubby girl. Then my Mom got to relax. But its been 1 year now it’s happening the same thing on her left underarm and she said and now I feel pain here on my left side when she presses. So please suggest what should we do.

Asked for Female, 32 years

Its been 17 days to the day I was delivered of my LO but I still have 3-4 undissolved episiotomy stitches. Is this normal? I was suggested by a friend to go get them removed but I don't want to do so. Please tell me if its normal and what do I do to dissolve the stitches faster. PS: I had about 7-8 external stitches in total, of which 3-4 got dissolved in the first week only. Also, the stitches that are still there have loosened a bit. Please advise.

Asked for Female, 7 years

Can you plz guide me about this BCG vaccine confusion. Is it necessary for the scar or blister to appear after you vaccinate? As I had it done for my daughter but there is no scar or blister. Some poeple say you have to vaccinate again while others say there is no need. She is one and a half month old. (Even my elder one has no scar, she is 3) Thank you in advance

Asked for Male, 10 years

Asalam o Alaikum! My son is going to be 5 years old in two months. I saw 2/3 white hair on his head recently (he has very healthy fast growing hair alhamdulillah). Is this normal or could this be due to some sort of deficiency? What should be done and what steps can be taken to stop this? Your help and guidance will be really appreciated.

Asked for Male, 6 years

My three month old has a cough for 2 weeks. Its intensity decreases sometimes but then after a day or two, it increases. He usually coughs after feedings. I went to the doc he gave betnasol tablets, hackrid syrup and unifyline syrup also nebulizing 3 times with atom and saline. I gave him betnasol tablets for three days after that his cough was less. But now it has started again. He coughs at night which disturbs his sleep.

Asked for Female, 6 years

I shaved my baby head yesterday due to bad huge red patches of scalp though I apply oil daily 2 3 times and her hair sucks and get dry again and again. So after shaving, yesterday found surprising thing shown below. Plz advise what is this and reason for this Is it normal or should I go to a dermatologist?

Asked for Female, 32 years

Does a fibroma hurt while touching and putting pressure on it? Should I go for a surgeon or a dermatologist for treatment? Need help plz

Asked for Male, 6 years

Doctors, please guide me that is it safe to use Johnson's baby lotion and powder on newborn's(14 days) face and chest? Some people say that these products are harmful to babies. Please tell me, Thanks

Asked for Female, 33 years

I want to ask a question on behalf of my friend: My friend has hypothyroid since 8 years and continuously taking medicine. For the last 7 to 8 months she is taking 300 micrograms euthyrox and when she got her TSH test done its 50. Whereas it should be under 4. The doctor said cant increase the dose from 300. She is worried as to what can be the reason of so elevated TSH when she is regularly taking 300 microgram medicine.

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